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The Criminal War on SYRIA Continues

17September 2023

The war on Syria is no longer front page news, but it has never ended. Currently, the United States and its allies are placing enormous pressure on the Syrian people in an effort to topple the Syrian government. The goal is not just to replace BasharAssad with a President more conciliatory to western goals, but rather to break the country into small semi-autonomous states so it can never again be a center of resistance to Israeli and U.S. domination. The latest efforts involve a western media campaign promoting and exaggerating unrest in southern Syria.

In 2011, heavily armed U.S. backed terrorists flooded the country, committing murder and mayhem across the nation.After a decade of vicious warfare, the Republic of Syria survived under the governance of the elected President, Bashar alAssad, and an elected Parliament.

Today, the fighting in Syria has largely ended, but the country suffers under onerous sanctions that make it impossible to engage in international trade or receive international aid. In the last five years, the Syrian Pound has gone from 500 to 13,000 SY Pounds per US dollar. Aonce self sufficient economy, Syria cannot repair factories damaged by terrorism and earth quakes; cannot replace stolen equipment; can no longer manufacture pharmaceuticals or process food.

Meanwhile, the province of Idlib continues as a terrorist enclave under Turkish protection. Turkey occupies other border areas while Israel bombs Syrian territories almost weekly. Recently Israel attacked theAleppo international airport to disrupt an international conference focused on rebuilding Syria. On top of all these crimes, the US has military bases and forces protecting a secessionist army and controlling nearly one third of Syria where the majority of Syrian oil and wheat come from.

While Syrians starve, aid pours into the terrorist held area in Idlib and Syrian oil wealth goes to support U.S. proxies. While Syrians go without energy for lights and heat, automobile fuel and cooking, the richest country in the world sells their gas and oil for profit. Aonce thriving semi-socialist state, Syria has had to cut subsidies for food and energy and cannot pay a living wage or support the numerous veterans from the war. The Syrian health care system, once the best in theArab world, is struggling to continue as they cannot import parts or software needed to operate hospital machinery and equipment.

Following the massive earthquake earlier this year, SSM (and other global charities) found the only way to provide aid was to hand carry resources and money into the country. We continue to support the legitimate government of Syria located in Damascus and are currently engaged in modest humanitarian projects to alleviate the suffering of ordinary Syrians as a result of 12 years of US regime change activities.

Check out our work a https://syriasupportmovement.org/charitable-and-humanitarian-aid/

End the U.S. Occupation of Syria and Disband the U.S. SDF proxy army! End all Sanctions and Unilateral Coercive Measures against Syria!

Hands off Syria!!!

About Amal

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